Preferred Vendors
As your trusted real estate partner, we understand that buying or selling a home involves various aspects, beyond just the property itself. That's why we have meticulously curated a network of exceptional preferred vendors who share our commitment to delivering unparalleled service and ensuring your real estate experience is seamless from start to finish.
Kane Warnken
Klam Farm & Ranch Construction
[email protected]
Kevin Janecka
Alfonso Hernandez
Jim's Heating & Cooling
Jim Mitchskie
Land Service
D& J Concrete Finishers
Jeronimo Diaz 832-274-5070
Place & finish concrete foundations, driveways, parking lots, break outs, tractor work
Wayne Debski 586-214-7187 [email protected]
Welding (pipe fence, metal buildings, equipment repair, fabrication) Land clearing, grubbing, tree work.
Friedrich Land Service
830-203-8039 | [email protected]
Dozer, skid steer, excavator, tractor, hay bailing, shredding & plowing.
Kaine Warnken
Fencing, entrances, cattle pens, cattle guards.
Koliba Land Service
Otto Koliba | 361-258-1735
Dozer, skid steer, welding & shredding.
O'Dowd Petroleum Land Service
David M. O'Dowd | 713-530-5416 [email protected]
Petroleum Landman.
Ranch Hand Properties
Tom Crain Laigle | 713-819-6555 [email protected]
Ryan Little Hydro Ax Service
Ranch brush clearing
Shaws Ranch Services
Terry Shaw | 979-702-2285
Shredding, light hauling, & brush clearing.
Tim Mica Liquid Feed
Liquid feed for cattle
VK Painting
Victor Rodriguez
Plumbing/ Septic
B&J Equipment Service Co.
Brian Sommers
Septic installer
Mike Drab
Septic Inspection & Repair
Harbers Plumbing & Septic
Bubba Harber
979-966-3251 | 979-242-5371
Texas Maintenance Co
Jack Atkinson| 979-551-0678
South Texas Surveying Associates Inc.
Barton & Associates Land Surveying
Hearitige Surveying Company
Tim Hearitige | 979-242-3485 [email protected]
Star Surveying
James Starcher | 512-332-0396 [email protected]
Texas Land Systems
Sharon Becker
979-732-2086 | 979-542-4444 [email protected]
Wayne Debski | 586-214-7187 [email protected]
Koliba Land Service
Otto Koliba | 361-258-1735
Kurt Morrill
361-772-5430 | [email protected]
Call us today to see how we can market your property for the best results.
If you are serious about selling your property or buying your dream place, call us today!
Call us at 979-743-3465 or 361-865-2563...we'll answer.
Let us find the country road that leads YOU home!
We welcome you into our office!!
Residential - Commercial - Investment - Farms & Ranches
If buying or selling is a consideration please call us, 361-865-2563
or simply come by our office and meet our team of professional real estate people.
135 Regency Ave, PO Box 251 Schulenburg Texas United States 78956